Dimitry Gegenava
Professor, member of council
Affiliate Professor, Doctor of Law
ელ.ფოსტა: d.gegenava@sabauni.edu.ge
Vice-Rector of Sulkhan-Saba Orbeliani University and director of Prince David Institute for Law. In 2016 he maintained doctoral thesis – “Constitutional Agreement as the Legal Form of the Church-State Relations and Its Implementation in Georgia”. Dimitry Gegenava is a member of International Society of Public Law, International Consortium of Law and Religion Studies and Georgian Bar Association. He has been lecturer of constitutional law and legal methods since 2011. Professor Gegenava teaches at Sulkhan-Saba Orbeliani University since 2013. Basic spheres of research: constitutional law, religion and law, legal theory and philosophy.
- Introduction to Jurisprudence (Theory of Law)
- Legal Philosophy
- Models of Church-State Relations
- Academic Writing and Research Methods in Law
- Introduction to American Law
- Constitutionalism, General Introduction, Book II, Edited By Dimitry Gegenava, Sulkhan-Saba Orbeliani Univerity Press, 2020
- Dimitry Gegenava, Tamar Papashvili, George Goradze, Rati Bregadze, Besik Loladze, Ketevan Vardosanidze, Lana Tsanava, Tengiz Tevzadze, Paata Javakhishvili, Zurab Matcharadze, Introduction to Georgian Constitutional Law, Sulkhan-Saba Orbeliani Univerity Press, 2019
- Dimitry Gegenava, Legal Models of Church-State Relations and Constitutional Agreement of Georgia, Prince David Institute for Law Publishing, 2018
- Constitutionalism, General Introduction, Book I, Edited By Dimitry Gegenava, Prince David Institute for Law Publishing, 2018
- Dimitry Gegenava, Beka Kantaria, Lana Tsanava, Tengiz Tevzadze, Zurab Matcharadze, Paata Javakhisvili, Tinatin Erkvania, Tamar Papashvili, Georgian Constitutional Law, 4th Edition, Prince David Institute for Law Publishing, 2016
- Akaki Gatserelia, Dimitry Gegenava, Karl-Peter Sommerman, Irakli Kobakhidze, Zviad Rogava, Sandro Svanishvili, Paata Turava, Koba Kalichava, Giorgi Khubua, Handbook of the Legal Bases of the Public Administration, GIZ, 2016
- Dimitry Gegenava, Beka Kantaria, Lana Tsanava, Tengiz Tevzadze, Zurab Matcharadze, Paata Javakhisvili, Tinatin Erkvania, Tamar Papashvili, Georgian Constitutional Law, 3rd Edition, Prince David Institute for Law Publishing, 2015
- Tamar Papashvili, Dimitry Gegenava, Georgian Model of Constitutional Amendments: Problems of Normative Regulation and Perspectives, Prince David Institute for Law Publishing, 2015
- Dimitry Gegenava, Zurab Matcharadze, Practical Handbook for Constitutional Law, Prince David Institute for Law Publishing, 2015
- Dimitry Gegenava, “Constitutionalization” of Marriage in Georgia, Journal “Orbeliani”, N2, 2020
- Dimitry Gegenava, State Funding of Religious Organizations in Georgia, Studia z Prawa Wyznaniowego, 22/2019
- On the Constitutional Identity, in: Sergo Jorbenadze 90, 2019
- Dimitry Gegenava, Changing Constitutional Identity: Constitutional Reform and New Concept of Human Rights in Georgia, Bratislava Law Review, 2019
- Dimitry Gegenava, Church-State Relations in the Democratic Republic of Georgia (1918-1921), Studia z Prawa Wyznaniowego, 21/2018
- Dimitry Gegenava, Church-State Relations in Georgia: Legal Frames and General Overview, Teka Kom. Praw. – OL PAN, t. XI, 2018, nr 2.
- Dimitry Gegenava, Camus, “Stranger”, Law and Moral to Taste, Journal “Legal Methods”, N2-2018
- Dimitry Gegenava, Paata Javakhishvili, Constitutional Court of Georgia: of Positive Legislator and Modern Challenges, in: Lado Chanturia 55, 2018
- Dimitry Gegenava, Constitutional Court of Georgia as Positive Legislator: Transformation and Modern Challenges, Polish-Georgian Law Review, 3/2017
- Mariam Jikia, Dimitry Gegenava, Protection of Human Rights in the Occupied Territories, in: Human Rights Protection, Constitutional Reform and Rule of Law in Georgia, 2017
- Dimitry Gegenava, Idea fixes of Georgian Constitutionalism: When the “Wind of Change” Blows, in: Avtandil Demetrashvili 75, 2017
- Dimitry Gegenava, President’s Veto, Parliament and Georgian Model of Separation of Powers, International Academy Journal “Web of Scholars”,N6(15), September 2017
- Dimitry Gegenava, Paata Javakhishvili, Article 39 of the Constitution of Georgia: Internally displaced norm pending the shelter and the phenomenon of fear of the unknown in Georgian constitutionalism, Article in: Academic Herald, N3, 2017
- Dimitry Gegenava, Magna Carta Libertatum: At the Foundations of Constitutionalism, in: 800 Years of Constitutionalism, 2017
- Dimitry Gegenava, Retrospection of the Georgian Constitutional Reforms: Searching for the Holy Grail, South Caucasus Law Journal, 08/2017
- Сокрушение оков нормативизма: признаки правового реализма в конституционном судопроизводстве Грузии, Гуманитарные науки и модернизация правовой системы государства: российский и зарубежный опыт, Под ред. Г.Б. Гридневой, А.Б. Дидикина. 2017
- Dimitry Gegenava, “Power” v. “Government”: Some Remarks on Article 5 of Constitution, in: Guram Natchkebia 75, 2016
- Dimitry Gegenava, Some Technical and Legal Problems of Constitutional Agreement, Journal of Law, N1, 2016
- Dimitry Gegenava, Problem of the Georgian Model of Separation of Powers, in: State Models of Government: Constitutional Reality and Perspectives 2016
- Dimitry Gegenava Problems of the Recognition of the Religious Marriage in the Georgian Legal Reality, Journal of Law, N1, 2015
- Bernhard Schlink, The Constitutional Subject and Its Identity: My German Experience Journal “Orbeliani”, N1, 2019
- Rosco Pound, Judge Holmes’s Contributions to the Science of Law, “Legal Methods”, N3-2019
- Fr. Perry Hamalis, What has Korea to do with Ukraine? Russia’s Tragic Assault on Korean Unity, in: The Ecumenical Patriarchate and Ukraine Autocephaly: Historical, Canonical, and Pastoral Perspectives, 2019
- Winfried Hassemer, German Legal Philosophy and the Criminal Law, Journal of Law, N2, 2017
- Martin Luther King, I have a Dream, in: “Public Speeches and Human Rights”, 2017
- John Finniss, The “Natural Law Tradition”, “Legal Methods”, N1-2017