Instructions for reserving workspace for a group work
- At Sulkhan-Saba Orbeliani University, students have the opportunity to reserve a workspace for group study.
- Students can reserve a workspace at the University library and the study process management service.
- In the library, students can reserve the Davit Batonishvili reading room (209 auditoriums).
- The library can be reserved at least one day in advance by sending an e-mail with the domain of the university. By sending a message to the e-mail (
- The library can be reserved for one group, where the number of members should not exceed 6 students and it can be reserved for no more than 3 hours.
- In order to cancel the reservation, students should apply to the library following the same procedure. If students reserve a workspace, do not occupy it, and do not notify the library to cancel the reservation, the reservation will be automatically canceled and the space will be freed up for other students.
- In case of lack of space in the library, students have the opportunity to apply to the study process management service and reserve any free study hall available at that time. Given the appropriate free time.
- Students can reserve a free study hall on the spot, with a specialist of the study process management service.