About the center
The Center for Continuous Professional Development of Sulkhan-Saba Orbeliani University was launched within the Erasmus+ KA2 STAR project (Sustainable Lerner-Centered Teaching - advance recourse for Georgia and China) and is equipped with the modern techniques purchased within the project.
Within the project there were established such unit in two other Georgian Universities: Shota Meskhia Zugdidi State University and University of Georgia.
The aim of the CPD unit is to support the improvement of Quality of the education and its approaching to the Modern Standards trough the implementation/Dissemination of the Learner-Centered Teaching, elaborated within the STAR project. To determine the needs of professional development of academic and administrative staff of the university and its supporting.
Objective of the center are:
- To organize the training / workshop
- To inform its academic/administrative staff about the training/workshops regarding their professional development, held outside of the university
- To create materials for training and its dissemination
CPD unit cooperates with QA office of the university and with the academic research and development manager in the process of offering several trainings and activities.
The center is subbordinated to HR manager.
Contact details:
- E-mail: cpd@sabauni.edu.ge
- Tel.: 242 22 42 /132
- addres: 3 K.Kutateladze street
- Sulkhan-Saba Orbeliani University / room 407