Visegrad Grant
Title of the project:
Forced migration of Ukrainians - Comparative Strategies accross Visegrád, WB and Eap countries.
Short Description of the Project:
Within academia, scholars and experts from diverse nations will collaborate on comprehensive research. This research will delve into crucial aspects, including the successful integration of migrants into host societies, the legal and political frameworks vital for refugee protection, and the economic dynamics influencing their support systems. The research outcomes will be presented on International Conference, that will be held in Sulkhan-Saba Orbeliani University. The results will be published as a scientific article in various high-rated scientific Journals. Along with Scientific activities, the project aims to prepare the policy paper that will be targeted at policymakers. Involving active policymakers throughout the research phase, this project endeavors to provide insights that could enhance existing policies or aid in the formulation of more effective ones.