Advisory Board
The members of the advisory board of Sulkhan-Saba Orbeliani University
- Rev. . Pierre Dumoulin, Marseille, France;
- Prof. Gabriela von Habsburg, Visual Art Architecture and Design School Free University, Tbilisi, Georgia;
- Dr. Berhard Uhde, Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg, Deutschland; Archdiocesan Commissioner for the Dialogue with the Islam of the Archdiocese of Freiburg;
- Fabian Freiseis, Head of the Unit for Universal Church, Ecumenism, Religious Dialogue. Archdiocesan Commissioner for Judeo-Christian Conversation;
- Dr. Peter Schallenberg (Theol. Fak. Paderborn), Germany;
- Gianpiero Cofano, Associazione Comunita Papa Giovavi XXIII. Italy;
- Michael Firmin, Retired Executive Director of Golden Harvest Food Bank, USA;
- Barbara von Münchhausen, Director of the Goethe Institute in Georgia;
- Declan Ganley, Chairman & CEO von Rivada Networks, Ireland;
- Michl Ebner, President of the Chamber of Commerce of Südtirol, Bozen, Italy.