- International Conference “Law and Global Security”. The conference is performing annually in September as usual. The Conference is multidisciplinary and covers all divisions of Law and Security. The Topic of planned for September 2020 conference should be “Territorial Conflicts, territorial politics and global security”. The agreement on participation in the conference was made by Leading Professors of Universities of Prinston (USA), John Hopkins (USA), Rochester(USA), Notre Dame (USA), Aberdeen (Great Britain), Deusto (Spain), Kadiz, Cyprus, Ukrainian Catholic University and The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin. Unfortunately, the conference mentioned above is postponed for the year 2021 as a result of crises situation arisen from COVID 19.
- Difficult Cases in Judicial Practice. The conference is performing annually and mainly speeches presented on it are case decisions of Georgian, USA and Great Britain Courts of different instance. The Book is published based on the speeches made during the conference, which is of same title as the conference is.
- Religion and Human Rights. Organization of this annual conference mutually are implemented by Faculties of Law, theology and Social Sciences. Main topics of the conference are issues of relation of state-church, religion and freedom of faith. At last this conference performed within the frame of Human Right Protection week in December 10 2019.
- Students Faculty Conference on the Topic: Human Rights. The conference is annual and is performing organized by the faculty of law as a rule, in the first part of December, within the frame of Human Rights Week. The conference aims rising of cognition in students in the direction of Human Rights.
- Students University Conference. The Conference is annual and aims acquisition of students with research and presenting skills. As a rule, the conference performs under panel system and almost all students of Sabauni faculties are participating in.